Thursday, December 17, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Animated GIFs
An animated GIF. is a is a graphic image on a Web page that moves. There are different websites that enable you to create your own gifs; ex: MakeAGif, imgflip, or
There are as many as 100 famous animated GIF artists. Some of them include:
- Uno Moralez
- He's known as a "pixel painter"
- Creates highly detailed GIFs that seem to shimmer with a sinister, 80s video game vibe
- Pattak
- Favors images that borrow heavily from geometry and typography
- Lacey Micallef
- Inspired by digitized look of early video games and pop art evolution of recent decades
- Famously collaborated with Meredith Gran of Octopus Pie famous
- Micael Reynaud
- Takes snippets from everyday life and creates compelling artscapes with them
- Joe Maccarone
- Known for his strange, eerie and sometimes macabre GIF style
- Carl Burton
- Animator and 3D Artist
- Compelling spaces and atmospheres
- Sachin Teng
- Quirky in the best way possible
- Clients include: Wired, The New Yorker, Adidas etc.
- Archery
- Creates mesmerizing loops using Mathematica software
- Rebecca Mock
- Creates images very similar to paintings
- Have subtle movements
- MICA Graduate
- Based out of Brooklyn
- GIFs have appeared in Adventure Time comics & New York Times
- Yang Hua Chun
- Prefers Calligraphy and hand-drawing over CGI
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All Artist information came from
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Campaign Poster Examples | | | | | |
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Thursday, October 15, 2015
Scott Robertson
Scott Robertson's design is one of a kind just the same as Bobby Chiu and Daniel Simon. All 3 of them are concept concept artists, but each have a specialty in a particular area. Bobby Chiu is a concept artist of fiction. Daniel Simon and Scott Robertson are both concept artists of vehicles. As much as they all are one of a kind, Scott Roberson's design is visually different not just from Bobby Chiu, but Daniel Simon as well.
Between Scott Robertson and Bobby Chiu the difference is plain and simple. Robertson does more vehicular concept drawings while Chiu creates more creature/human concept drawings. Robertson's concept drawings are more futuristic and literal vehicles. Chiu's drawings are more of a fantasia scene, made of fictional characters. Chiu either takes creatures that already exist, like for instance the creatures in Alice and Wonderland, and styles them to his on writing style; or creates creatures of his own, like his drawing Sea Life.
Robertson creates, mainly cars and motorcycles, but also aircraft futuristic motor vehicles as seen below. He also creates fantasia models like Bobby Chiu, but Robertson's drawings look more realistic than Chiu's. His models of vehicles though, unlike Daniel Simon's, become real vehicles. The kind of car you'd think wasn't possible to create, his models were truly made. Daniel Simon created visuals like the motorcycles from Tron, as well as Daniel Simon. Robertson is a real concept artist vehicle designer while Daniel Simon is a simply a concept artist.
Having a clear understanding of design methods allow you to become a better artist. It gives you a broader set that allows you to create different varieties of art that you can, if you want to, combine into one large art project. If someone asks you to create a world where fiction and nonfiction live in together and you only know how to create perspective drawings, then you lose a potential opportunity to get your name out there. If you compare your work to other artists then your more likely to doubt your own work and make it similar to what the other artist has. The artist who's work you compared yours to may think your trying to copyright their work then file a lawsuit and everything will go down the drain in a split second.
When you continuously practice your art instead of working on it every so often, you tend to increase your skills. You may be an average artist like myself, and only draw what you can see. If you practice and focus on the small details that are within the drawing then it will become much easier for you to draw that same detail on another piece. As Bobby Chiu said in an interview, "Consistency and diligence is also extremely important. .... The best artists and character designers are forever tinkering and fidgeting with their work because they’re just never satisfied. Always expecting more of yourself is the best way to elevate your skills to the next level. " You never settle for what you already can do. If you want to get better, challenge yourself to go the distance. It took Bobby Chiu from the ripe age of 2 years old to the prime age of 17, when he first started working in major companies (Disney Warner Bros. and Star Wars toys), till this very day for him to be as great of an artist as he is today. It took Daniel Simon
from the age of 16, when he first decided to become a car designer until now to be the great artist he is today. It even took Scott Robertson himself who got his passion early on from his artistic father, a long time to reach the pique of greatness he has now.
You too can be just as great as these artists. It's just all up to you on whether your willing to put the time and effort into becoming the next great.
Between Scott Robertson and Bobby Chiu the difference is plain and simple. Robertson does more vehicular concept drawings while Chiu creates more creature/human concept drawings. Robertson's concept drawings are more futuristic and literal vehicles. Chiu's drawings are more of a fantasia scene, made of fictional characters. Chiu either takes creatures that already exist, like for instance the creatures in Alice and Wonderland, and styles them to his on writing style; or creates creatures of his own, like his drawing Sea Life.
Robertson creates, mainly cars and motorcycles, but also aircraft futuristic motor vehicles as seen below. He also creates fantasia models like Bobby Chiu, but Robertson's drawings look more realistic than Chiu's. His models of vehicles though, unlike Daniel Simon's, become real vehicles. The kind of car you'd think wasn't possible to create, his models were truly made. Daniel Simon created visuals like the motorcycles from Tron, as well as Daniel Simon. Robertson is a real concept artist vehicle designer while Daniel Simon is a simply a concept artist.
Having a clear understanding of design methods allow you to become a better artist. It gives you a broader set that allows you to create different varieties of art that you can, if you want to, combine into one large art project. If someone asks you to create a world where fiction and nonfiction live in together and you only know how to create perspective drawings, then you lose a potential opportunity to get your name out there. If you compare your work to other artists then your more likely to doubt your own work and make it similar to what the other artist has. The artist who's work you compared yours to may think your trying to copyright their work then file a lawsuit and everything will go down the drain in a split second.
When you continuously practice your art instead of working on it every so often, you tend to increase your skills. You may be an average artist like myself, and only draw what you can see. If you practice and focus on the small details that are within the drawing then it will become much easier for you to draw that same detail on another piece. As Bobby Chiu said in an interview, "Consistency and diligence is also extremely important. .... The best artists and character designers are forever tinkering and fidgeting with their work because they’re just never satisfied. Always expecting more of yourself is the best way to elevate your skills to the next level. " You never settle for what you already can do. If you want to get better, challenge yourself to go the distance. It took Bobby Chiu from the ripe age of 2 years old to the prime age of 17, when he first started working in major companies (Disney Warner Bros. and Star Wars toys), till this very day for him to be as great of an artist as he is today. It took Daniel Simon
from the age of 16, when he first decided to become a car designer until now to be the great artist he is today. It even took Scott Robertson himself who got his passion early on from his artistic father, a long time to reach the pique of greatness he has now.
You too can be just as great as these artists. It's just all up to you on whether your willing to put the time and effort into becoming the next great. | | | |
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Monday, October 12, 2015
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Monday, October 5, 2015
Bobby Chiu
Bobby Chiu is from Toronto Canada which is actually where currently lives. He is the founder of Imaginism Studios were he specializes in concept and character design, as well as teaches digital painting online at
Schoolism is a website that gives you online art classes that you are able to take based off what art you want to learn. You send in the drawing you created from the lesson and they give you feedback on what you drew. Schoolism has only been out for a few years.
Some of the cities that they've traveled to are Dubai (Most traveled), San Francisco, Toronto, Denver and Montreal.
![Image result for bobby chiu]()
Schoolism is a website that gives you online art classes that you are able to take based off what art you want to learn. You send in the drawing you created from the lesson and they give you feedback on what you drew. Schoolism has only been out for a few years.
Some of the cities that they've traveled to are Dubai (Most traveled), San Francisco, Toronto, Denver and Montreal.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Daniel Simon
Daniel Simon is a German concept designer and automotive futurist. He is best known
for his vehicle designs in movies like Tron: Legacy and Oblivion, and
his book Cosmic Motors.
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